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The Legal Research On Multinational Parent Corporation's Liability Obligation To Its Subsidiary

Posted on:2007-03-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J MaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Currently, as the quick development of economy, multinational corporations also get great improvement. They promote the economy of the host country, on the other hand; also bring many problems for these countries. Such as, whether the parent corporations of multinational corporations should be responsible for his subsidiaries' claim.Firstly, I analyze the tight relationship between the parent corporation and subsidiary corporation to prove the controlled relation existing between the parent and the subsidiary corporation providing the proof for putting forward the new vision; and then through deeply research obligation principle and other countries practice, on this basement, adding some my thoughts, I put forward new vision, hoping it can be one choice when the international community develop the uniform law and benefit our law's accomplishment.
Keywords/Search Tags:the multinational corporation, the parent corporation, the subsidiary corporation, liability
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