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On E-Rulemaking Of America

Posted on:2008-03-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z ZangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360212494022Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
E-rulemaking is one of the latest achievements of the E-government and rulemaking reform of Federal government in the US. It concentrates on the adoption of the information technology into the rulemaking process. This reform is not only embodied in the adoption of new technology, which is the reform of rulemaking process, but in the change of the whole social concept form governing-ended government to serving-ended government and in the spirit of democracy and public participation.The content of this Article is as follows: In the Introduction, there is a general introduction of the reason and background of the birth of E-rulemaking and the significance of the article and topic. Part One, the basic part underlying the following parts, is main a theoretical discussion, including the definition, background and history. Part Two discusses three factors in E-rulemaking, that is, administrative agency, the public, web technology and the relationship thereof. Part Three composes a general discussion and a specific discussion of E-rulemaking. The general discussion concentrates on the process from the draft to the publicity, especially on the mode of comment under the E-rule system; while the specific discussion stresses the application of technology in every stage. Because the value and feature are mainly embodied in the process, this part is the core of the article. Part four, firstly, makes a conclusion of the conditions and problems of our rule making; secondly, discusses the significance of the e-rulemaking; in the end, by showing the necessity of the e-rulemaking, gives the suggestion and plan for the construction of the e-rulemaking in China. In the conclusion, the article confirms the significance and animate future of e-rulemaking in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:E-rulemaking, Public Participation, Procedural, Web Technology
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