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The Study On Trust Mechanism Of Employee Shareholding In China

Posted on:2007-03-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
By investigating the problem of employee shareholding in China and analyzing the basic principle of trust, this article introduces the trust mechanism to resolve the problem. Then, an innovative opinion on trust mode of employee shareholding in China is proposed. The paper, besides preface and conclusion, is divided into three chapters:The first chapter describes mainly the current situation and problem of employee shareholding in China. First, it defines employee shareholding. Second, it compares employee shareholding with another kind of incentive system of stock ownership. Finally it deduces research subject of the article. That is to say, the employee shareholding is a kind of incentive system of stock ownership that most of employees of the enterprise, according to the certain procedure, conditionally own shares of the enterprise where they work, participate in management and supervision, share the surplus profits, and withdraw from it under some conditions. The chapter further points out that our country confronts the problem of employee shareholding in two aspects. One problem is that localization of the purpose of employee shareholding in China appears deviation, the other is that implementation of employee shareholding in China exists the non-standardized problem.The second chapter expounds mainly that the trust mechanism may effectively solve the problem of employee shareholding in China. The chapter proceeds with the definition and basic principle of trust at first, and the trust mechanism may effectively solve the diversified and short-time problem of employee shareholding in China. And it may realize the purpose of setting up long-period welfare and incentive mechanism of employee shareholding. Then, the chapter further points out that the trust mechanism may solve four problems of employee shareholding in China while operating. They are the problems of the carrier,capital source,the assignment of employee's share and management of employee's share. Finally, the chapter states that the trust system has great significance to develop employee shareholding of our country. Therefore, it is necessary for us to build the mode of employee shareholding in China by introducing the trust mechanism.The third chapter expounds the construction of trust mode of employee shareholding in China and the legal guarantee. Firstly the chapter comparatively analyzes the advantage and disadvantage which all kinds of subjects act as the tripartite parties of the trust relation who are the trustor,the trustee and the beneficiary. The chapter confirms the typical form of parties of the trust relation that the employee shareholders are trustors; the Trust Company is a trustee; the employee shareholders are beneficiaries. Then, taking the typical form of the trust relation parties of employee shareholding as an example, the chapter studies the shareholder's rights of the trust relation. Finally, the article points out that we should perfect the trust resignation system and tax allowance system of employee shareholding in order to effectively run the trust mode of employee shareholding.
Keywords/Search Tags:Employee Shareholding, Trust
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