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The Loyal Research On Controlling The Excessive Medical-fee

Posted on:2008-06-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Charge for medicine treatment and the life of people are vitally interrelated, the consumption of medical treatment takes more and more propotion in people's daily consumption. The phenomenon"poor because of sick""unbelieveable fee-for-service"shows there are serious problems in charge for medical treatment. First is the malpractice of medical system: Administration of public health department in our country is sponsor side and superintendent, consequently, there are lack of supervising and managing, on the other side , the flaw of our country'compensation for medical system ,for maintaining it's normal work and even more profit, the medical system make use of medicine as it's main income. Secondly, as drugs market is out of control, the massive enterprises sxist, the competition are intense, the result is the buyer is in the dominant position, the buyer is not patient but doctor, who decide what patient should buy. In order to enter into the hospital, Merchant of drugs production must pay for the benefit chain involves in business agent, doctor and esc. All these expense will be undertaken by the patient in the end ,and increase patient's burden.With the development of consciousness in law , people are eager to protect their rights with law. The theory is the outcome of this situation, the purpose of this theory is that through studying the pertinent problems in Charge for medical treatment, we can find a legal system for relieving the contradiction between doctor and patient.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information asymmetry, Cheat in price, Monopolize business, Commerce bribery, System of information-make known to the public
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