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On The City's Residents To Participate In Community Governance

Posted on:2008-03-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360215953016Subject:Foreign political system
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wide citizen participation is the core of democracy, In this sense, a national public policy-making mechanism to reflect the country's democratic system. a national public policy-making process reflects the level of development of the country's democratization. China is a socialist country nature of the Chinese people to enjoy the true sense of democracy. However, in the past we have to rely more and more on achieving the wishes of the people, through the elected representatives. On the operation of democracy at the local level in the urban community governance. Urban communities is a basic component in the level of the course, residents will be through participation in the form of direct expression, in real sense governance.Initial current residents to participate in community management has a certain social conditions, including : political and economic structural reforms to stimulate the rejuvenation of the spirit of the citizens in the community for residents to participate in the performance enhancement of awareness; advanced modern media means residents in obtaining information and policy advice, and are more directly involved in other areas faster. However, residents in a very short period of time in our country, there are still problems in many fields need to be resolved quickly. This paper attempts to question our urban community residents to participate in the study and analyze the feasibility of proposed solutions.The paper is divided into three parts : the first part, on management theory and model urban community. First, the city's basic meaning of community governance. Governance is defined in the Commission on Global Governance : "governance" is in the public or the private sector in many ways the sum of its common services. It is so different or conflicting interests to reconcile and take joint action in the ongoing process, It includes the right to force people to submit to a formal system of rules and It also agreed to include in their interest or a system of informal arrangements. The aim is to control the various systems, the power to guide relations, control and regulate the activities of individuals and organizations, to promote the public interest to the maximum. Management features : 1 administer society. 2, the public power and private governance theory advocated strengthening mutually beneficial relationship of interdependence between the powers, 3, to promote citizen participation in governance theory. 4, governance means the exercise of the functions of government social diversity.By its very nature is local governance, and the citizens, in the most appropriate areas of governance should be closely related to people's life, such as community. Communities (community) is concentrated in a certain geographical area of social life entity formed by people. Which is a type of urban communities, as well as the scope of this paper. Is the specific scope of our urban communities, regional residents have jurisdiction. and all the people living in this region is to the residents in the community. Management concepts will be introduced in urban communities, a community where our city is a regional community-based, government and community-based organizations, community residents and other community-managed public affairs activities. Urban communities in the area of governance has some distinctive features : (1) the diversification of urban communities. (2) diversification of means and methods of governance in urban communities. (3) participatory governance in urban communities. (4) Urban Community Governance Network.According to the urban community development process can be divided into three phases, according to the different stages of treatment and status of the relationship between the main, Chief divided into three models : the type of community management models, community-based model of governance, self-governance model community. 1, the Chief Community Management Model is a government-led model of community governance. At this stage, the relationship between the state and society for the strong performance, weak society, the state social micro-manage In fact, the only micro-communities administrative region of China. And the lack of awareness of the residents involved in the management of the channel. 2, cooperative type of community governance model is a combination of self-government and community management models. At this stage, the management of the main government organization to start from purely an autonomous organization within the community of non-governmental organizations. Community managers communities in the elections, the community's public affairs decision-making and improve community services for the general enthusiasm. participate in the wider scope. 3, is a model of self-control community and the government to support community-led model of governance. At this stage the relationship between the government and society, the gradual emergence of a strong state and a strong social model. Community Governance Network was the main feature. Complementary resources of various organizations within the community, exchange information and have some flexibility in the system.Second part of the process of democratization in the country residents to participate in community work and the ability to promote their own residents. China : residents were involved in the promotion of democratic development process; Residents will help solve the management crisis; residents to participate in public policy to ensure effective operation, including its residents to participate in the formulation of policies conducive to scientific, participation of the residents is conducive to the implementation of public policy; residents can exercise civic participation in governance capacity. The third part of our residents to participate in community impact analysis indicates that at present there are three levels of governance. The government is the macro level, the concept of autonomous community organizations are mainly residents. The residents of their own micro level. This paper presents a specific level against these solutions : (A) At the micro level, awareness and ability to solve their own problems. 1, residents of communities of interest, and to enhance community identity, 2 and strengthen their own quality, and ability to participate 3, composed of community organizations, strengthening capacity for self-government. (B) In the middle level, improving the community's autonomy organizations. 1, 2 straighten out the relationship between the government and community-based organizations, to improve the autonomy system. (C) At the macro level, and improve government management, promoting participation in the rule of law. 1, the idea of changing the government, confirmed the status of the residents, 2, to establish clear accountability mechanisms, public information 3,participate actively explore channels and ways to broaden participation in the 4, in response to demand, improve the legal system building.Finally, we come to the conclusion within the community, residents to participate in an effective way is to bring about democracy. It adapted to the needs of modern urban community development. In terms of the fabric of our society. It implies that the public interest involved in the decision-making more decisions should be based on more community involvement by the local commitment. The purpose is to the residents to participate in community governance at the national and local representation and participation. individualism, are to strike a balance between political and altruism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Participate
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