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On The Theory Of Marxism Indoctrination And Its Fulfillment

Posted on:2008-12-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X G MinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360215965677Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The theory of Marxism indoctrination (indoctrination theory for short in the following text) is an important part of Marxism as well as the main theoretical foundation of Ideological and Political Education. It means much to do research on this theory not only for the persistence and development of Marxism but also for the enhancement and improvement of Ideological and Political Education both theoretically and practically. So, much efforts in this thesis has been made, through the practice of Marxism standpoint and method, to make the course of this theory's appearance and development clear, to elucidate its main content, to correct some misunderstandings and mouse out how to fulfill it scientifically. There are three part following:Part one: the formation of Marxism indoctrination theory and its development in china. In this part, the contribution of Marx, Engels, Kautsky and Lenin to this theory is reviewed and the content is presented elaborately. The development of this theory by Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao are also discussed. By reviewing the course of this theory's formation and development, efforts has been made to help readers master its main content and make it clear that it has been developing.Part two: the refutation of some misunderstanding of Marxism indoctrination theory. The topic of indoctrination is always in disputation. A lot of suspicion and censure flood not only in common opinions but also in academia such as "useless theory","antiqued theory" or "coercive theory" and so on. There is a common ground of those apparent different viewpoints: they all try to obligate or reduce the correctness. In this part, those three misunderstandings are disproved one by one in order to get right cognition.Part three: the scientific fulfillment of Marxism indoctrination theory. What author wants to do in this essay is not to just get right understanding, but to enhance the vitality of indoctrination practically on the basis of correct cognition and scientific utilization. So, in this part, how to fulfill this theory scientifically is discussed four aspects: improving the educators, respecting the educatee, enriching and developing the system info of Marxism ceaselessly and meliorating the methods of fulfilling the indoctrination theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marxism, indoctrination theory, ideological and political education
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