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Research On The Implement System Of The Anti-monoply Law Of China

Posted on:2009-09-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360242986314Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Anti-monopoly law enforcement mechanisms, is an anti-monopoly law in a country or a country to implement the relevant state organs to the actual implementation of the anti-monopoly law, with a series of highly workable system.Anti-monopoly law on the rational implementation mechanism, the first from the theoretical point of view should be clearly defined mechanism for the implementation of the anti-monopoly law and reasonable standards. The essence of such standards, is a kind of context, a study of the point of view, the premise of a study. Such standards and China's anti-monopoly law regulating the purpose of law should be consistent, should be consistent with a reasonable anti-monopoly law Code's fundamental purpose. In China, such standards should include at least two areas: effective competition in the market and China's actual conditions.Research on anti-monopoly law enforcement mechanisms the core of the problem is that anti-monopoly law enforcement system. China's anti-monopoly law enforcement system should include a two-tier system of anti-monopoly law enforcement agencies and its accompanying anti-trust investigation. Among these, anti-monopoly law enforcement agencies in the core system is the core of its anti-monopoly law enforcement system is the entity, while anti-trust investigation is the anti-monopoly law enforcement procedural requirements. They affect one another, complement each other, a mechanism for the implementation of China's anti-monopoly law in the law enforcement system.On the implementation mechanism of the anti-monopoly law, but also solve a series of related ancillary issues, which include anti-monopoly law and anti-monopoly law of judicial relief responsibility system. The two are not part of the backbone of the anti-monopoly law enforcement mechanisms, but the anti-monopoly law and the legal system of China's overall legal system is reasonable in terms of construction, are of great significance to the two parts. Judicial relief in the anti-monopoly law, the main problem with the focus on anti-monopoly law is closely related to the implementation of the administrative system and civil litigation system, particularly the civil indictment of the system identified and Construction.The responsibility system of anti-monopoly law in the main problems is that anti-trust laws determine the course of implementing the responsibility system of the importance and should be used during the form of liability, and other issues.Overall, the implementation mechanism of anti-monopoly law on the issues involved is very cumbersome, includes social, economic, political and legal, and so, a lot of problems and more sensitive. From the economic point of view of its law to investigate and research, focusing on legal value, legal system building and the legal system with the point of view, to apply to highlight China's actual conditions and problems of mining.
Keywords/Search Tags:\Anti-monopoly law, Implementation system, Law enforcement
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