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The Rearch On The Problem Of Street Children In Guiyang City

Posted on:2009-05-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D YuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The problem of street children is a global problem,today, it is no longer simply an economic development issue, but one related to child survival, development rights, civil rights and complex social the same time ,due to the deliberate use of the law and makes the solution of this issue has become complicated and urgent.In this paper, the integrated use of the population, sociology, social work and other disciplines on the expertise of street children in Guiyang city conducted a more systematic study. Convection problem of street children through research, we believe that the healthy growth of children is the family micro, meso and macro-level of community among the countries of the common, the street children have the most fundamental reason is that three of the anastomosis does not lead to higher degrees, at the same time, the emergence of street children are also characterized the deterioration of the external of the family relations. These led to street children are many reasons for, in addition to children's own reasons, the other objective reasons are mainly through the family have an effect on children. These families from the shelters, street children not only even the most basic conditions for survival can be guaranteed, at the same time have to face many injuries, and the rescue of street children is not the best way we adults consider to be the only natural Way, On this issue, the more we should listen to the voices of street children, street children so that only the full exercise of their right to participate, the community to help protect street children can achieve greater effectiveness.
Keywords/Search Tags:Street children, Living conditions, Cause Analysis, Case Study, Guiyang City
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