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To Analyse The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Marxian Theory Of The Development Of Productivity And Its Revelation

Posted on:2008-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P J QiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360272968516Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The problem of Productivity is a perpetual topic in human history, From the slash-and-burn cultivation primitive society to modern society, no time does not develop through productivity. Surely the development of productivity does promote our human history to go from old periods to modern time, especially the after the World War Two the productivity promoted by the science and technology has caused great changes by leaps and bounds, and made variations from day to day in our lives. On one hand such development of the productivity has made people alter the nature on a high level, that is to say, it has made the human-being a kind of subject who appears as a power that led by technology, with which the nature can never compare. It widens the field in which people practise in the object sense. In the philosophy sense, this causes a kind of sense of superiority and domination of the subject. While on another hand, at the same time we are drunk by the victory we get over the nature, we also open'the Pandora's devil box'. In pursuit of the development of productivity, problems such as the environment's getting worse and worse, the energy's getting less and less, the species'dying out and the climate's getting uncommon, and so on. The subject of human-being is confronted with danger of being self-buried and homeless. When suffering from the pain, we have to think about these problems. Can we go on pursuing the development of economics partially, while disregarding the limitation of ecology system? Can productivity develop without any limitation as hoped? These issues are all worth our speculation. Marx is optimistic at the issue of productivity. This essay affirms what Marxian theory has done to the progress of human history, I also want to let people realize and understand that the productivity is not only defined by the relationship in which people practise but also defined by the nature itself to a great extent by analysing the limitation of Marxian theory of productivity. Though we have science as a powerful resort, we should not be too optimistic at the development of productivity. At last, I would like to look for an advisable way to resolve the problem of productivity, precisely speaking, the contradict relationship between the development of productivity and the limity of the nature in this essay.
Keywords/Search Tags:Productivity, Production relations, Human being and the nature, persistence develops, Finiteness
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