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Cross-border M&A Study Of Anti-monopoly Regulations

Posted on:2010-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S B LinFull Text:PDF
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Since the mid-20th century as the global acceleration of economic integration, international direct investment, had unprecedented access to the scale of the development of transnational corporations as the main emerging international production system. In the last ten years a wave of global mergers and acquisitions, which has greatly promote the development of international direct investment. In a large extent, the M & A model gradually become the most imported form of the international investment . The rapid development of cross-border M & A activity in the merger parties to bring about tremendous economic benefits businesses as well as corporate parties to the merger market structure in which a long-term effects: uncontrolled mergers and acquisitions is bound to lead to merger excessive, excessive scale and inevitably leads to all sorts of monopolistic behavior, thereby distorting competition in the market order, and ultimately harm consumer welfare, so how in the promotion of mergers and acquisitions at the same time, mergers and acquisitions of the necessary regulation is a State anti-monopoly sector one of the main tasks. China anti-monopoly law and formally introduced before the implementation of cross-border mergers and acquisitions for the anti-monopoly regulation of the legal provisions scattered in various laws, these laws there is no system of law and conflict between the cross and so on, making the cross - M & A legal regulation difficulties. With the introduction of anti-monopoly and the implementation of the anti-monopoly law to make up for deficiencies in this area, but it should be noted that China's anti-monopoly law is also inadequate, There are many loopholes, it is necessary to learn from other countries practices based on the combination of China's economic development and the status quo of China's anti-monopoly law to improve in order to better achieve its order to protect the effectiveness of competition in the market.This article is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is about the definition and the characteristics of cross-border mergers and acquisitions and the impact of the host country.Chapter II reveals the transnational corporations in the current situation of China's mergers and acquisitions as well as the show features.Chapter III was the introduction of our new cross-border mergers and acquisitions for the anti-monopoly law to the relevant provisions of Regulation.Chapter IV Analysis on China's anti-monopoly law in the regulation of transnational mergers and acquisitions in the gaps in the legislation from other countries based on the recommendations of the improvement of legislation.
Keywords/Search Tags:M&A, mergers and cross-border M&A, anti-monopoly
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