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Research On Legal Problem Of Small And Medium-sized Enterprise Fiancing

Posted on:2010-07-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F HongFull Text:PDF
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SMEs are running the entire national economy and development of the most active, most jobs to absorb a wide range of economic organizations, is supporting an important force for economic development. The total number of households in the country in small and medium-sized enterprises accounted for 98.5%, the output value, profits and exports, respectively, accounting for 60%, 40% and 60%, while small and medium enterprises also provided 75% of urban employment opportunities and more than 60% GDP, in the ease employment pressure and the promotion of economic growth plays an important role. However, financing constraints in China has become the bottleneck of the healthy development of SMEs, the issue has not been fundamentally resolved. To solve the problem of financing small and medium enterprises is not easy, this is a worldwide problem, the relationship between various aspects of systems engineering.In this paper, and its mode of financing of small and medium-sized overview, based on five areas of focus from the mode of financing for small and medium-sized Chinese legal environment and legal system construction and improvement of analysis. First of all, as a result of small and medium-sized non-standard accounting, depreciation rate is low and uncertain property rights makes the main source of financing within the under-power thesis attempts to improve the enterprise system, the establishment of an internal employee stock ownership system, strengthen enterprise financial management system to enhance its financial power. Secondly, as a result of a single channel, the lack of small and medium-sized financial institutions, credit rating criteria for reasons such as not suitable for small and medium enterprises to the development of difficult papers indirect financing through the improvement of the legislative research to promote the diversification of financing channels, the proposed development of "small and medium-sized Financial Institutions Act" to the development of small and medium-sized financial institutions, the establishment of a suitable credit rating system in order to enable small and medium-sized banks to win the confidence-building measures such as indirect financing to get out of legal difficulties. Thirdly, from the equity financing, bond financing and private financing of the direct financing small and medium-sized analysis of the legal difficulties, try to set up multi-level capital market, revise the "Regulations on the Management of corporate bonds", and improve relevant laws and regulations to regulate the private financing to address the direct financing of the legal issues. Once again, a new type of venture capital as a means of financing for relevant laws and regulations are not sound enough, paper recommends the introduction of "the Basic Law Venture Capital" to small and medium enterprises access to investment gold wind. Finally, China's credit guarantee system for small and medium-sized credit does not lead to loss of sound, I proposed to speed up the establishment of credit guarantee system for small and medium-sized credit assessment systems and services specifically for small and medium-sized social security systems, as well as initiatives such as amendments to the security law to resolve the small and medium-sized credit missing issues.
Keywords/Search Tags:Small and Medium-sized Enterprise(SME), Mode of financing, Legal system
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