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Marx And Engels' Ecological Concept And Practical Significance

Posted on:2009-08-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360278952559Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper, from the original theory of ecological concept, and mainly focus on analysizing Marxist ecological thought, exploring its rich implication from Marx and Engels' works, in Marx and Engels' works, where the relationship between man andnature is dialectical. Human beings in the natural world have dual properties------natural properties and social attributes. Human beings are ones of natural existence, of natural attributes of human beings, at the same time; they are ones of purposeful, dynamic social existence, of social attributes. As a result, the transformation of nature at the same time must human beings must follow the laws of nature, must be respect for nature, or be subject to punishment of nature.Marxist thinks that labor is not the source of wealth; labor together with the natural world is the source of all wealth. Relationship between human beings and nature is also a relationship between men and society, ecological problem is also a social and historical issue, the causes of ecological crisis lies in the capitalist system. Socialism is also facing severe ecological problems. Only communism is realized, human settlement between human being and nature can be achieved as well as the reconciliation of the settlement itself. Marx and Engels' concept of the ecological environment are of dialectic, material, forward-looking characteristics.This article also discusses the substance of the ecological environment crisis, the ecological crisis in the current situation requires us to be prepared for danger in times of safety, establish the scientific ecological concept, as well as understand correctly Marx and Engels's ecological thinking, and then put it into practice to solve some ecological problems, enhance harmonious development between man and nature, and further explore contemporary value of Marx and Engels' ecological concept.
Keywords/Search Tags:ecology, ecological concept, concept of development, ecological crisis, ecological culture
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