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Study About The Views On Marxism In All The Reports To The National Congress Of CPC

Posted on:2011-09-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K F LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360305450047Subject:Marxism in China
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This paper studies about views on Marxsim in the theme reports to the National Congress of CPC. The theme report was the report made by the leader to the National Congress of CPC at different times. It is usually called political report. Views on Marxsim are the basic views people hold on Marxsim. Views on Marxsim are about what is Marxsim and how to deal with Marxsim. This paper studies about views on Marxsim. It is totally different from the research on the other aspects of the theme reports.It is different from the research on views on Marxsim, too.Researchers have made some progess in the research about views on Marxsim. They wrote a lot of papers in which they made their comments about Deng Xiaoping Theory, Three Represents and the Scientific Outlook on Development. After the 17th National Congress of CPC, researchers expressed their opinions about the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Researchers concentrated in the theme reports of the 15th,16th and 17th National Congress of CPC. The research on the theme reports is not systematic and comprehensive.Therefore,it needs to be deepened and expanded. The paper studies the theme reports systematically and comprehensively. The scope of the study is more broader. Break the limitations of research on the individual theme report. Study views on Marxsim in the theme reports as a whole is an important innovation of this article, this is also the academic value of this article.This paper studies the theme report by means of reading the documents, comparison, the unity of history and logic, systematic analysis,and so on. This paper tries to fully reflect views on Marxsim in the theme reports from different sides.When we study about the views on Marxsim in the reports to the National Congress of CPC, we must comb the information about the reports to the National Congress of CPC,which is the premise of doing the research well. Seventeen National Congresses have been held by CPC. As the first National Congress has no theme report, I think there are sixteen theme reports.Six theme reports came into being during the the New Democratic Revolution period. As they were born on the war era, they had the characteristics of war era. The contents of the theme reports were exploring how to make the lines, principles and policies of the New Democratic Revolution. Some contents of the reports were correct because they were in line with China's reality. These reports played a good role in promoting the revolution at that time. Some theme reports were out of China's national conditions. Therefore, they brought significant losses to the revolution.There were four theme reports during the socialist revolution and socialist construction period. After the establishment of New China, the CPC carried on the socialist revolution, establish the socialist system, tried to find the road of socialist construction. The four theme reports were the products of these exploration. There were significant shortcomings and errors in the contents of the reports. We should look at these errors historically.Six theme reports came into being during the Reform and Opening up new period. Closely around the theme of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, they revealed the laws of socialist construction and the law of the party's governance more and more scientifically and profoundly. The theme reports have played an important role in the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics.What is Marxism is the first part of the views on Marxism in the reports to the National Congress of CPC. The theme reports have the ideas that the born of Marxism has its necessity and the born of Marxism is the result of various objective and subjective conditions. Marxism can't come into being if it has no theoretical sources, the basis of social practice and subjective conditions. The theme reports repeatedly emphasized the quintessence of Marxism is seeking truth from facts. Seeking truth from facts is the essence of Mao Zedong Thought and theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The theme reports point out that Marxism is a sort of science. Marxsim is the product of the most revolutionary and the most correct scientific thought of the proletariats. Marxsim will continue to develop in practice. The theme reports have repeatedly stressed that Marxism is a powerful ideological weapon for the party and that Marxism is the country's fundamental guiding ideology. The theme reports clearly pointed out that Marxism is to achieve the lofty ideals of communism. The realization of communism is the maximum program of the party. The party adhere to the unity of maximum programs and minimum programs. The reports emphasized that keeping up with the times is Marxist invaluable theoretical quatity. Marxism will develop with the development of times, practice and science Marxism can not be immutableHow to deal with Marxism is another important part of the views on Marxsim. The theme reports told us that we must adhere to have Marxsim as our guiding thought and fight against the wrong trend that wishes to abandon Marxsim. Marxism must be adapted to conditions in China. We must put forward Sinicization of Marxism and fight against dogmatism and empiricism. Marxism will continuously to achieve theoretical innovation and the continuous development. We must learn Marxsit theory seriously and raise the theoretical level of the party and the people of all the nationalities in our country greatly. We Must always attach importance to Marxist propaganda and education. We must arm the Party with Marxsim and educate the people with Marxsim to realize the popularity of Marxsim.Views on Marxsim in the reports has important values. Views on Marxsim in the reports is beneficial to put forward the Sinicization of Marxism. Views on Marxsim in the reports is beneficial to reflect the basic characteristics of Marxsim. Views on Marxsim in the reports is beneficial to advocate the scientific attitude to Marxism. Views on Marxsim in the reports is beneficial to clarify the cognition error about the problems of Marxism. Views on Marxsim in the reports is beneficial to strengthen the cohesion of the party and people of all the nationalities in our country. Views on Marxsim in the reports is beneficial to adhere to the guiding position of Marxsim in ideology area. Views on Marxsim in the reports is beneficial to strengthen the Party's theory construction and governance capability construction, to raise the Party's theory level and governance level.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Communist Party of China, theme reports, views on Marxism
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