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British Muslim's Current Situation And Plight Under The Multiculturalism Policy

Posted on:2011-07-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360305965066Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the largest religion minority group, the role and position of Muslims in Europe has been attracting increasing attentions under the conflicts between Islamic world and western world and the rampant extremism activities. British has the second largest Muslim population. While holding a relative tolerant attitude towards Muslim, British suffered most terrorism attacks. It is a phenomenon worth noticing. Taking the global anti-terror war as a general context, and choosing British's anti-terror necessities as a point cut, this thesis would first arrange the date of 2001 Britain Census to introduce the consistence and social-economic status of British Muslim population, and then set forth the history, current situations of the multiculturalism policy the British government implement to the Muslim。By analyzing the Muslims' social situation and socio-psychology under the policy, the thesis would introduce some theory in the immigrant, anti-terrorism and related fields, and evaluate the key points of the policy and the potential improvements. The most important part of this thesis is the relations between governing policy and the governed response, that is to say the multiculturalism policy and the response of the Muslim, thereby to assess the policy's efficiency and the interaction with Muslim.
Keywords/Search Tags:Anti-terror War, British Muslim, Multiculturalism, Ethnic Policy
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