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Try To Talk About The Preview Ability Practice Of Middle School Students In Chinese Teaching

Posted on:2011-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D M WenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167330335951956Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the Chinese teaching of middle school students in preparation for his ability in the teaching of Chinese studies have been conducted a topic. Chinese language teaching to undertake construction excellent character, improving students'Chinese accomplishment, students must surpass on knowledge skill training and despise active learning ability cultivation of traditional Chinese education, cultivate students'active preview of good habits, and cultivate the students'self-learning ability, is for no purpose and finally enhance students'comprehensive qualities of language, the subject is based on this. The new curriculum standard said:"the student is master of language learning. Chinese language teaching should arouse the students'interest in learning, pay attention to the cultivation of students'autonomens learning awareness and habits, good for the students to create independent learning environment. " Independent subject education thought is that:we only classroom teaching based on foundation of autonomous learning, give full play to students'autonomous learning, actively promote the potential of students'learning forms of change, and stimulate students'active participation, active, active thinking, and actively explore voluntarily to create, to improve the students' comprehensive quality, can make the language classroom coruscate gives life energy. "The strong or weak self-study ability according to the school education when the good or bad. If the school often are guided to self-study, students in life, they have boundless good. But not their own, and social and national interests and get the infinite. Generation of organizing the guru Mr Cultivation of students'autonomous learning ability, as more important than anything.This paper examines current in the Chinese teaching of middle school education training situation of the ability to prepare for the preview, connotation and the Chinese teaching of middle school students the importance of cultivating the ability to prepare and implement way of cultivating the ability and ability training process, the teacher should pay attention to the problems of the aspects should be discussed. Through this research, hope can be in the Chinese teaching of middle school students prepare for education ability training to make some contributions to change the traditional language teaching into some fresh blood for future research may provide some useful reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:junior high school Chinese, preview ability, training and preparation, implementation ways
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