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The Application Of Schemata In The Instruction Of Reading In Senior High Schools

Posted on:2004-10-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Y ShiFull Text:PDF
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Without enough instruction of reading theories, reading teachers in senior high schools always find reading a difficult task, making the students in the trouble of improving reading comprehension. In order to make reading practice effective and efficient, 1 listened to the lessons of all the English teachers in our school and studied their teaching methods. Having analyzed and compared the different reading instructions, I bring on seven mistaken views out of them, which have their own limitations and need to be guided by applying the schema reading theory. The reading process of the schema theory can be viewed as a combination of top-down procedures and bottom-up procedures, that is, interactive procedures. In order to make the theory and practice linked, three teaching plans are discussed, designed for applying each reading model, to illustrate how each one works in providing students with effective strategies. Finally, ways to improve reading comprehension are given for developing better comprehension. Practice has proved that the application of the schema theory can make reading teachers know more about the reading process and then give more effective instructions for students to develop independent reading ability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Schema theory, Bottom-up, Top-down
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