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On The Construction Of Harmonious Campus

Posted on:2007-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G ChengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Having studied and referred to some scholars' and specialists' views on the denotation and characteristics of harmonious campus, I put forward my own opinions on the subject after observation, thinking and abstraction. Harmonious campus indicates that various education factors should be mingled properly. It should also provide favorable cultivating atmosphere where the relations between people and people, people and society, people and knowledge, people and environment can stay in harmony and coordination to promote mutual development.With the help of a physics concept-field where the substances affect each other,I summarize the characteristics of harmonious campus as follows:1. The form of favorable emotional field: teachers and students are active and energetic.2. The form of efficient education field: schools develop in agreement with society.3. The form of interactive learning field: students can get overall and well-balanced development.4. The form of new cultural field: people get along with environment harmoniously. Next I interpret these characteristics in details, emphasizing the realistic problemsthat prevent the construction of harmonious campus as well as the causes of the problems.1. Between teachers and students exists the distorted and polluted relation that are harmful to the favorable emotional field.2. Fragile relations between schools and society, between parents and children have a negative effect on the efficient education field.3. The leadership between the leaders and teachers that is short of honesty does harm to the interactive learning field.4. The awkward relation between people and environment prevents creating new cultural field.To solve these problems, I finally point out the strategies on the construction of harmonious campus.
Keywords/Search Tags:construction, harmonious campus, relation, field
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