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The Comparison And Research Of The Mathematical "Situations And Problems" Teaching And Anchored Instruction

Posted on:2007-03-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W G ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360185480565Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As known to all, different conceptions on knowledge have influenced human's opinion about learning and teaching, and the development of school education. Situated Cognition Theory appeared in 1990s in the 21st century which discusses the constructive, situative and tacit of knowledge provides a new prospect to uncover the nature of knowledge. Situated Cognition theory is the combination of behaviorism and cognition, and further development of constructivism. Therefore, "anchored instruction" embodied in Situated Cognition theory is the hot point to research in western education domain. "situation--problems" teaching in terms of dialectical materialistic recognition, modern math conception and constructivism is a frontal, experimental and essential math teaching research which follows the trend of math teaching reformation in and out of the country. The paper mainly compares and researches the "situations and posing problems teaching" and anchored instruction teaching applied in math teaching.The paper consists of five parts: the first part deals with significance, method and theme of the research; the second part expounds the base of theory of "situations and posing problems teaching" and anchored instruction teaching, Constructivism, Zone of Proximal Development, Situated Cognition theory and Tacit Knowledge, the third part introduces "situations--problems" teaching practice in Yunnan, and undertakes case study to introduce the background, strategy , basic model and feature of "situation--problems" teaching; the fourth part introduced "anchored instruction" from its background, strategy, basic model and feature; the fifth part gives the different main points of the two teaching models from situation and anchor, independent learning, solving problem and dispelling anchor, situated problem chain and " What if " problem; the final part is conclusion: teaching is a ecosystem with complex affect which is formed among practicing unity made up of teachers and students; "anchored instruction" teaching is more suitable for "task-based learning" and application at primary and secondary schools. The end of the paper gives some suggestions about "situations--problems" teaching during math teaching: enriching theory, more communications, making use of education ecosystem, seeking for middle zone.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mathematical situations, Posing problems, Solving problems, Situated Cognition, anchored instruction, dispelling anchor, Communities of practice
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