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Research The Process Of Cognitive Psychology In Solving Maths Problems

Posted on:2005-06-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S H TanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360185996150Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Question to be solved means solving problems. It is one of the most important work in primary mathematics and also a classical problem to learning maths. Cognitive psychology having been developed, solving problems needs to be always ameliorated in both theory and practise. In this artick, it researches not only the process of cognitive psychology in solving problems but also discussing metacognition developed, which is too much important to help students to study maths well.Four parts of the whole articlePart I It includes some contents of solving problems, for example, problems and concepts, programmes and tactics. According to "the problems" and "the solving problems" Which have been expounded by psychologists about their basical elements and some present typical standpoints. This article tells students it will be a key to leaens maths well.Part II First, making a summary of cognitive psychology using the view of making informations, then elaborating cognitive psychological characteristic of solving problems for studing maths including apperception, notice, itellect, memorize and learning concepts.Part III making a difference between activity of cognition and cognition to solve problems in mathematics, Meanwhile, comparning substances,objects,goals and functions etc. It tells knowledge of maths metacognition, experience of practice and mskes students understand the force of mathematical cognition, we will reasearch maths metaeognition which effect the students' study by studing Porlia's thoughts.Part IV It tells students should link the synopsis of Porlia's thought with that of themselves, in order to improve the etacognitive ability of solving mathematical problems...
Keywords/Search Tags:solving problems, metacognition, process of psychology
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