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Research On Physical Problem Solving In Senior High School Based On Metacognition

Posted on:2020-02-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330578957544Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Problem solving is an important and universal learning form in students’ learning activities.The process of problem solving is a complex psychological process,which i s influenced by many factors.The metacognition of problem solvers is an important f actor.Previous research results show that students’ metacognitive level has apositive co rrelation with students’ academic achievement.The cultivation and training of students’ metacognition can improve students’ problem solving ability,improve teaching effect,and finally make students Learn to learn.This paper combines the physics subject to intervene in the study of students’ me tacognition.First of all,this study uses Wu Shuqin’s "High School Students’ Metacog nitive Capability Survey Questionnaire in the Process of Solving Physics Problems" to conduct a questionnaire survey on a class in the first year of a key middle school in the province to understand the students’ metacognitive ability in the problem solving p rocess.The status quo;Secondly,select several students with different academic achie vements to make vocal measurements;explore the reasons for their differences in met acognitive levels during problem solving.According to the analysis of the results of the pre-test data and the results of the vocal me asurement,the author has the following conclusions:(1)The students in the class are at a gene ral level in the three dimensions of planning,conscious,and regulatory,while in the methodol ogical and summative In both dimensions,they are at a lower-middle level;(2)there is no sig nificant difference between boys and girls in all dimensions;(3)the metacognitive level of eu genics in all dimensions is higher than that of students with learning difficulties(except for su mmativeness).According to the pre-test results,the students used three intervention methods for metaco gnitive intervention,namely: self-questioning method,others’ questioning method,and resul t checking method.After more than one month,the students were post-tested through questio nnaires and vocal measurements.Through the comparison of the questionnaires before and aft er the questionnaire,the students’ metacognitive ability in the problem solving process was im proved,but the improvement was not significant.However,students’ vocal thinking can be seen that they have a certain degree of improvement in the planning,methodological,and regula tory dimensions.The main reason for the unsatisfactory effect of intervention is that metacog nitive ability is relatively recessive,and it is difficult to get a big improvement in a short perio d of time.Metacognitive training for students should be a long-term process.Due to the limit ed time of the internship,the length of the intervention was not enough,so the intervention eff ect was not very satisfactory.On this basis,the author further thinks about the improvemen t method: first,the teacher demonstrates to the students in the classroom,provides the model t o imitate the students;secondly,pays attention to the post-review of the students’ homework;t hird,peer-to-peer learning Fourth,the combination of metacognitive training and students’ no n-intellectual factors;fifth,focus on cultivating students’ learning strategies.
Keywords/Search Tags:problem solving, metacognition, intervention
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