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A Study On Farmers In Underdeveloped Regions Of Marriage Research Expenses

Posted on:2010-10-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y WangFull Text:PDF
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Since the 1980s, China has undergone tremendous changes in rural areas and shown the world the face of rapid economic development, constantly improve the income of the farmers. At the same time, consumption of the peasants of marriage, and marriage customs have been a different understanding, but also makes the cost of the rural society of marriage, as well as the concept of marriage have taken place in consumption is not a small change. In this paper, in Gansu Province as an example of an ordinary village, the use of sociological methods of investigation such as interviews, this article will be engaged to marry into the cost of fees, "salute" the cost of the dowry, wedding four major components of expenditure. Of the village since 1981 and married in 2008 the situation changes in the cost of a description of changes in its reasons for a series of analysis, and use it as an entry point to the farmers in recent years of changes in consumption concept of marriage.By D survey of the village, this paper argues that rural areas in recent years is the rising cost of marriage, including such. The reason there are many objective and subjective, mainly due to the growth of the income of the farmers, the farmers of the changes in lifestyle, family size and patterns of rural change, marriage market, the shortage of resources for women, the psychological impact of competition. At the same time, changing the cost of that marriage, but also be able to dialysis to farmers the concept of marriage and spending some of the basic features, see the positive side and the performance of somenon-rational. We found that the current cost farmers in the process of marriage are becoming more and more rational, a series of procedures to continue to simplify the marriage, the marriage is still the conclusion of the course by the traditional habits and the impact of traditional customs. At the same time, farmers also have the concept of marriage and the consumer does not conform to the reality of trying to imitate the local cities, and "face" issue has always been the highlight.
Keywords/Search Tags:Under developed regions, Farmer, Marriage expense, Concept of Marriage Consumption
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