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A Probe Into The National Culture In The Design Of Chinese Movie And Movie Animation

Posted on:2015-09-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H ZhengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the early1990s, the cultural creative industry has taken root in western countries, as a pillar industry for governments to pay attention to the field. With the open of the visual culture and the arrival of the digital information technology, film and television animation industry has become a cultural creative industry in one of the most development potential of the industry. However, under the background in the era of globalization,"nationalization" over the years has been as a philosophy in China animation, it have not been real content and meaning of the release, but just become a programmatic slogan. To change this situation, only the Chinese original or its inherent cultural elements into our film and television animation works, make it more rich Chinese national flavor, this is one of the main trends in today’s domestic film and television animation. Animation scene design is an important component in the animation, the design of the different results in different style and visual perception, a direct impact on the effect of the film. This study on domestic film and television animation scene involving the culture of a full range of exploration, and absorb the experience of Europe and the United States, Japan and South Korea, film and television animation scene design, in order to sum up the scenario of a certain practical significance in design rule, thus creating values, aesthetic concepts, customs and so on all aspects the excellent animation art with Chinese characteristics.Animation scene design is often to animated characters provide a rely on, want to accord with the overall design of the film, to show the story took place the historical background, cultural, geographical environment, and the whole characteristics of The Times. Knowledge involved in the scene, it is very important to the cultural connotation by the cultural connotation in series into different region amorous feelings, this design will include more Chinese elements.In view of the domestic film and television animation more focus on animation technology research and development and application, and explore for the culture of animation scene design is relatively rare, this research focuses on from this aspect, namely by the film and television scene design, find out the cultural field, it involves aesthetic dimension, horizontal extension to role creation, story plot development, and other elements, looking forward to with Chinese culture elements to develop China’s animation film and television works mark. And longitudinal comparison, that is, the United States, Japan and other countries of the film and television works comparison, reveal the classic film and television animation works needed in culture design concept, apply it to Chinese film and television animation scene design, through the community, with modern srcience and technology to create become our era cultural monument of the real products.
Keywords/Search Tags:China, Animation scene design, Cultural connotation, Ethnic elements
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