In the past one hundred years, science and technology has created anindustrialized society, and this industrialized society continues to encounter theart department wanted to question;while this society also bred and gave birth tothe ever-changing artistic trends and styles. There are "urban soul," said theprominent landmark features or extend the meaning of the sculpture is not onlyan important symbol of a city of culture and civilization, but also to show thecity’s historical position, continuation of the context, an important windowspirit of the times and the spiritual connotation. This paper discusses theperformance and characteristics of public sculpture. Plastic arts space startingfrom a broad analysis of the sculpture of a public nature, and which summarizesthe characteristics and contact trace when sad way classification systemillustrates the performance of public sculpture. Comprehensive analysis ofurban sculptures draw the important role of urban landscape design and variousfactors indispensable. Therefore, urban sculpture (public art) Emotional designgoal should be accepted by the majority of the urban people, attention and gooduse.This paper aims to study and exposition section for urban sculpturedesigned to improve people’s instinctive visual pleasure to introduce order intoall aspects of people’s lives. In addition to the beauty of urban sculpture passinformation, the more the profound meaning of culture and history of theconcentrated expression. As a component of urban culture, which represents theculture and spirit level cities, regions, and in the urban landscape embodies therespective values in different forms. |