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Confucian "Gentleman 's Personality Theory" And The Cultivation Of Contemporary Entrepreneurs' Ethical Spirit

Posted on:2016-04-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L X SunFull Text:PDF
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The Gentleman personality theory of Confucians as a dominant ideology, has long been directing the moral behavior of the masses, regulating the common value ideas and providing the ethical orientation for molding individual morality and personality. Based on Confucian traditional culture, my paper places entrepreneurs’ ethical spirit in the context of increasingly mature socialism market economy in our country, and gives a systemic research from the ethic (moral) angle of vision. In short, this is a subject full of exploration. Recently, with the development of modern society and highly developed material civilization, there is increasing perplexity of view of personality values among the entrepreneurs, which leads to spiritual crises, degeneration action and a widespread callousness. Behind so many astonishing cases, there is something carried the moral which has seriously affected the healthy development of the market economy in China. Besides confirming moral situation of entrepreneurs, we need to go deeper into why the social morality is declining:the lack of moral cultivation, misguided moral environment, imperfect market economy system and weak external supervisor mechanism. And it will contribute to develop a better understanding of the real world as well as the Gentleman personality theory of Confucians. After that, we can do our best to explore commercial ethics with Chinese characteristics. We call the Gentleman Personality theory of Confucians still has important inspired function in cultivating entrepreneurs’ ethical spirit both in thought and ways. Its moral meaning of benevolence, wisdom, courage and sincerely, provides the resource reference for entrepreneurs’ character with the principles of self-cultivation, such as turning inwards, unifying knowledge with action, acting in accordance with ritual, finding truth between two sides and so on. On the one hand to establish entrepreneurs’ ethical spirit such as unifying reason and interests, honesty, "people-oriented" idea, "oneness of man and nature" and so on; one the other hand, to provide specific operation direction. Therefore, based on historical materialism, I am digging into the values of the Gentleman Personality theory, trying to give scientific analysis to it and bestow the fresh content on it, with "discard the dross and select the essence". A study of the theory has guiding significance in strengthening the construction of corporate ethics in our country in the era, which will help to make the past serve the present and carry forward our excellent traditional culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Gentleman Personality Theory, Entrepreneurs, Moral Spirit
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