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Research On The Current Situation And Countermeasures Of Religious Affairs Management In Dongying City Under The New Situation

Posted on:2016-07-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S JiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2176330470451025Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Religion, as a social and cultural phenomenon, has profound historical and cultural roots,and deeply affects the development and evolution of human society. From a personal perspective,religious beliefs can affect a person’s ideology, values and way of life; from the social aspect, thehealthy and orderly development of religion can activate the positive energy contained in thebroad masses of believers so as to promote the economic and social development. Conversely, ifthe religious extremism and disorderly religious development become rampant without effectiveguidance and control, they not only seriously interfere with the normal production and socialorder, but also more easily lead to fierce social unrest and panic. Management of religious affairsin China has existed since ancient times with a very long history. For example, the Northern WeiDynasty had set up Zhao Xuan Temple to take charge of Buddhism and strict priesthoodmanagement system; the Ming Dynasty set monk-recorded department to process NationalBuddhism affairs; the Republic of China had launched "Registration Regulations" and “LamaReincarnation Rules". Since the foundation of the People’s Republic of China, based on aprofound summary of the religious "five characters" and the management of religious affairs inaccordance with the law, the more comprehensive religious affairs management system has beenestablished, which promotes the healthy development of religion. Religion has played a positiverole.Dongying City, as the central city of the Yellow River Delta, has "local administration,Shengli Oilfield, army for production". Since established in1983, Dongying has thoroughlyimplemented the party’s policy on the freedom of religious belief, constantly improved themechanism of the administration of religious affairs, and actively promoted the legalization ofthe management of religious affairs and the standards so as to promote the development of thecity’s five major religions and the achievement of a harmonious religious relationship. With theexpansion of the reform and opening up and the rapid change of the social structure, the religiousdevelopment of Dongying presents many new characteristics, posing many new challenges forthe management of religious affairs. Based on the reality of Dongying, this paper has carried onthe analysis of the current situation of the management of Religious Affairs of Dongying Cityand the existing problems. The optimization of the religious-affairs management system underthe new situation has also been discussed.The paper can be divided into six chapters. The first chapter briefly introduces thebackground, significance and research situation at home and abroad and the aims of the researchas well as the innovation. The second chapter combs the related concepts of religion, religious affairs management, points out the management mode of religious affairs and the necessity toperfect the management of religious affairs. The third chapter expounds the current developmentof religion and religious-affairs management of Dongying City, sums up the current managementof religious-affairs effects and challenges. The fourth chapter analyzes the reasons of the mainproblems existing in the management of religious affairs, mainly the imperfect legislation, thedifficulties in religious law enforcement,"religion craze" and other factors. The fifth chapter putsforward the specific countermeasures and suggestions to strengthen and perfect the managementof religious affairs in Dongying City.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dongying, Religious affairs, Management, Counternmeasure
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