Because of the quick development of VOD (video of demand), video phone, and HDTV (high definition television), the desire for bandwidth becomes more and more strong. EPON systems are a highly attractive access solution because of cost and performance advantage, resulting from their nature as all-passive networks, point-to-multipoint architecture, and native Ethernet protocol.This article describes how to manage EPON network efficiently via Simple network management protocol (SNMP). SNMP provides a very flexible management solution. It can implement management functionality we need, which comprise configuration management, fault management, performance management and QoS management, in order to monitoring, configuring and evaluating EPON network's performance. SNMP is used as the communication standard between manager and agent.The key part of the design is to develop SNMP agent under VxWorks system, with the help of its development accessories WindNet SNMP. SNMP agent acts an interface between manager and application programming interface (API) provided by driver programmer. All requests to access management information in the equipment are dealt with in this engine. The steps of how to develop SNMP agent under Vxworks are described particularly. They include: design and edit of management information base (MIB), design of C source files, compile and debug of source files.The system, designed and implemented has passed stability test and function test. Moreover, as a product, it is highly popular in the communication market. The project provided in this thesis and its implement is of remarkable value to the SNMP agent development under VxWorks system. |