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China Circular Economy Development Research Via Ecological Civilization

Posted on:2007-09-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360185491289Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays the rapid deterioration of ecological environment and the serious shortness of resources have already threatened the human living and its development. But, the concept of sustainable development has shown us strategic direction. Ecological civilization is the social model of sustainable development .The formulation of circular economy provides an economical developing pattern for the sustainable development.The paper expounds the contemporary problems about the reasons, barriers, ways of developing circular economy from the union of theory and practice, as well as from visual angle of ecological civilization. This article consists of five sections .The first section is about the circular economics and the bud and its developing course of the ecology civilization. The second section: analyze and introduce foreign country' s practice and exploration about circular economy, mainly about USA , Germany and Japan .The third section :analyze the present situation of circular economy in China .The fourth section: in the time of ecological civilization, analyze the barrier and difficulty of circular economy and listing them from six aspects respectively . The fifth section: put forward the tactics and proposals of developing circulation economy in the times of ecological civilization such as enhancing propaganda of responsible ethics , establishing relevant acts and laws, policy or system, carrying out green collating, depending on new technical innovation . Develop circular economy with the co-effort of government, enterprises, scientist and the public so as to promote the sustainable development of China and construct the society of ecological civilization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Circular economy, Ecological civilization, Responsible ethics
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