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Study On Public Finance And Taxation Policy Accelerating The Employment

Posted on:2007-11-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360185977900Subject:Public Finance
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It begins with a series of reformation in China, for example, adjustment on the structure of economics, upgrade in the industrial, reformation of the State Owned Enterprise, establishment of the modern enterprise principle and immerged into the globalization of the world economics. These reformations push the economics'growth in a rapid speed, but it also brings us a new big problem: the difficulties of employment. Now it becomes an urgent issue to be solved.In this article, it studies on policy of the Public Finance and taxation to solve this difficulty problem. Firstly, it begins with the employment pressure of the newly added employment group's unemployment and the remained labor in the country and analyses it deeply. Secondly study on the affection of public finance and taxation policy to the employment. It uses statistics meanings both in demands and needs to tell us the path that public finance and taxation how to enhance the employment.At last, it is also the important part of this article. Study in detail on the problems remained in the public finance and taxation policy. And according to the problems, it gives the solution in order to establish a harmonious society and found a beautiful family together.
Keywords/Search Tags:Employment, Public finance, Taxation, Policy
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