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The Influence On Export Of China Textile Industry From Labor Standards Based On SA8000

Posted on:2008-11-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189360215477721Subject:International trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The problem of labor standards is always being disputed between developed countries and developing countries in World Trade Organization. The developed countries headed by the United States tried to connect labor standards to foreign trade in order to restrict export of labor-intensive products from developing countries. SA8000 shows a kind of trend of labor standards and foreign trade connecting. Textile industry in China is a typical labor-intensive industry, from some data we can know that 60% of enterprises in China in textile suffered from it is necessary to do research about influence to export of textile industry in China from labor standard.This thesis will use the data and some analytical tools to analyze the influence to export of textile industry in China from present labor standards, and the following will analyze separately the short and long term influence by improving labor standards of textile industry.After giving some introduction of labor standards and SA8000. the thesis begins to analyze the status quo of labor standards in China, then summarizes the status quo of ratified treaty in labor standards and authentication of SA8000 among Chinese enterprises, and compares Chinese labor standards with other countries using some data of working hours and salary per hour. By deep research in the influence to export of textile industry in China from labor standard, the thesis tells us that, in one hand, the improvement of labor standards can hasten the increase of export surplus, market share and trade specialization index, in the other hand, through analyzing short and long term influence by improving labor standards of textile industry, finding that it will bring disadvantage to the export of textile in short term but will alleviate the disadvantage in long term. Finally, the thesis summarizes the trend of labor standards in foreign trade and put forward some policy suggestion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Labor Standards, SA8000, Export of Textile Industry, Short and Long Term Influence
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