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An Empirical Study On The Relationship Of The Executive Compensation Structure And Company's Growth In Listed Company

Posted on:2011-01-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper mainly research on the relationship of growth of China's listed companies and senior executives' salary structure, in order to check the effect of China's implementation of equity-based incentives to conduct an empirical analysis.In this paper, empirical analysis found that CEO pay interest based on the proportion of salary equity incentive strength and firm growth has a significant positive correlation. To raise executive pay interest based on the proportion of remuneration is conducive to improving the company's growth.Through the empirical analysis of the results, we also found that monetary compensation for three years as a whole appears to have an adverse effect on business growth, specifically because the monetary remuneration and business growth in itself no significant correlation between the growth rate, thereby affecting the executive salary structure; On the other hand, due to the sharp rising of monetary compensation, inhibiting the implementation of equity incentive effect, and making the pay structure more reasonable. These conclusions showed, executive salary structure is reasonable or not, playing a vital role in business growth.In addition, the pay equity plays a positive role in corporate growth, with the increase in pay equity executives, business growth also increased. However, three years, the correlation coefficient are in the state is not high. Showed the growth rate of monetary compensation is higher than the interest paid.Therefore, this paper argues the effectiveness of executive compensation mechanism, with emphasis on executive pay structures. Improving long-term incentive in their pay structure can play a better effect. In above, based on empirical analysis, this paper puts forward a specific proposal.
Keywords/Search Tags:Executive salary structure, Company's growth, Monetary compensation, Pay equity, Executives' equity incentive
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