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Influence Of "popular Culture" On The Ideology Of College Students

Posted on:2011-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2197330332972431Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Popular culture" refers to commercially driven cultural products,especially the mass media industry's typical products,this culture is intended for mass consumption, so the text features is not deep and image. As an industry, "popular culture" has not only brought rolling in modern business profits,also formed its own mechanism of modern culture in its spiritual connotation. This is reflected in that the general public is not just passively accepted the "popular culture",but also has a dynamic role in the constraction of "mass culture". Contacting the twentieth century's western thought cultural critique we can say that in addition to entertainment, products of popular culture but also assuming a certain significant feature of interpretation. By creating star worship and techniche superstition,popular culture products has made commercial and technical interpretation on life and world,which can meet the general public's expression desire for existential meaning.With "mass culture" meaning and feature analysis as a theoretical starting point, with the representative of Super Girl" and "Happy Girl", articles detailed analyzes the "draft culture" phenomenon", and analyzes the cultural influences of "draft" campaign on college students. This thesis points that university students shows a degree of physical liberation and freedom of individuality for "popular culture",but also shows students'lackness of human spirit quality. From the perspective of the development of socialist spiritual civilization,"popular Culture" clearly can not bear the heavy responsibility of training the elite of China's modernization. Characteristic of mass culture and commodity market, "Draft culture" has determined the principles of its plane and short-sighted,its significance lies in rewriting the pattern of cultural development,and to advance the cultural reform to a profound platform. But when the consumer market is maturing, college students'psychological maturity, a higher level of aesthetic needs will exist. For training a new generation of intellectuals, the key is how we merge the socialist concept of human values into the cultural products and services, and reconstruc positive and uplifting power.
Keywords/Search Tags:popular culture, Ideological education, Campus Culture
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