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Republic Of China Deep Inspection Of The Turbulent Political Situation And Its Social And Cultural Root Causes

Posted on:2012-01-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205330332489742Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The 1911 Revolution created the Republic of China, making China out of feudalism, to a world powers. But, under warlord's destruction, the republican flag went actually really far from China's realities. The new style political power's structure of the Northern Warlord government and the republican state system soaked strong feudal brand. As a special time, the beginning of the Republic of China in Modern China was intertwined not only old and new factors but intense conflict, which inevitably cause confusion and instability.This paper bases on the radical reform of the Late-Qing Dynasty cultivating the Qing Dynasty grave digger to obtain to demonstrate the causes of the turbulent origin in the beginning of the Republic of China. Survey the overviews of political turbulence and characteristics from the historical development of the Republic of China in order to find out the social and cultural causes of the turbulence. This way can help grasp the social change'destiny and trend clearly.This paper discusses the following aspects: The first chapter discusses the causes of political instability of the Republic of China, which trace back to the radical reform of the Late-Qing Dynasty. The second chapter summarizes the political turmoil of early Republican, which is to tease out more specific development of social context. The third chapter analyzes the characteristics of early Republican political instability, which induce the general trend of the overall society development. The fourth chapter discusses the social roots of the turbulent political situation, which summarizes the underdevelopment of the social economy. The fifth chapter probes the cultural roots of early Republican political instability, which systematically analyze traditional culture block in modern social time. Then I will make a brief introduction on the theme of the paper:Since modern times, the big powers had started a series of aggressive war to China. China became a semi colonial and semi feudal society step by step. Backwardness comes under attack. China realized that in order to save the nation from subjugation, the social transform is necessary. Driven by the theme of the national salvation, China started the social reform in a muddle in order to restore past glory great power status such as the New Deal of Late Qing. But it led to more abuses even disaster; On the other hand, some social elites and even the rulers or revolutionaries knew China's national conditions to some extent. They expressed their aspires in a modern way on traditional bases , such as Yuan Shih-kai's imperial restoration, Sun Yat-sen's Revolutionary Party and so on. In a word, when pursuing to make country rich and strong, the early Republic of China presented a volatile situation because of the ignorance of China's reality.In the early Republic of China, several forces competed and many parties and political wrangling continued the restoration of the repeated struggles with the anti-restoration, warlords, etc. These series of events made the emergence of social unrest in the early Republic of China. And this established the basis of the complicated history of the Republic of China.Recognize the Republic of China's social and cultural root can help grasp the context of modern social change, and provide the experience and enlightenment for China's reform and open.
Keywords/Search Tags:Early Republic of China, Autocracy, Republic, Social Transformation
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