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Individual Value Realization

Posted on:2001-09-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360002452252Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It should be profitable to make a comparative study of figure series of world classics. Julien, Rastignac and Dcloir are the heroes of Le Rouge et Le No鼅 (1830), Pere Go駉t (1835) and Bel-Ami (1885) which were switten by French writers Stendhal (1783-1842~ Balzac (1799-1850) and Maupassant (1850-1893) in the 19& centuzy These three make up a series of ten-minute men of French literature. For die bourgeois individualism is their fundamental thoughi a systematically comparative study of them will be beneficial for us to cany forward die sc~fic value, to deal with die relationship between wut and group and to accelerate the dcwlopment of social spiritual civilization. These young men from the province were not satisfied with their current living conditions and tried their best to climb into Parisiexme society H~ociisy attachment and deception are their methods while ability, ancestry and appearance are their capitaL These three can be called 揵rothers from die same clan?for they fought against the upper ten at the same battlefield-Paris. The thesis makes a pauiicular conpanson of their ideology of life, love and religion, then probes into their same 搑oot?by characteristic, consciousness and desire layeruponlayer. Contactingthetimes they liwd in and statusthey lived as, their sel&eaiizatiotis would be ine抳itably dashed to the grounds so it can lie infened that the road of creation and dedication for the people is the only correct way of self-realization Based upon their different faith, they carried out the different life locus by different behavior choice. Juhen. who lived in Restoration announced his hostile to the unfair society and chose death dauntlessly to keep his personality ~omplete. Rastignac made full use of aristocratic title and had a good bargain in the Vanity Fair. Deloir who lived in the Third Republic of France kept gambling and securing personal gain in the journalistic circles and opened the door to the Cabinet by nepotism. In tenns of antilogy and conception, the bourgeois individualism is what they share. Howewr their actions were based upon the individual desire and ambition, so it naturally inclined to egoism. On the aspect of value, Julien stuck to the nile of Great Revolution and revoked the Restoration Representing the common aspiration of 200 thousand French young men, his gaining glory with intelligence had certain element beyond the narrow-sensed self.realizatiott Rastignac belie~d that 揳 lox~r and a high society status?is his greatest value, so his selfrealization was at the cost of morality-losing and genius-wasting Deloir decorated his life with money, women and fame, believing that social status is the only measure of one抯 value. In respect of their attitudes towards the opposite sex, Julien had pursued pure love and finished his mental adventure by regressing for maternal love though he had profited from the affection of the noblewomen. Rastignac and 3 Deloir, who were capitalized on the family status and facial features, unminding the others?spiritual needs, took advantage of their charm to get fame and gain. As far as religion is concerned, Julien, a sensitive and intelligent youth, who seeing no road to advancement in the military after Napoleon抯 fall, endea~vred to make his mark in the church. Howewt his extreme loyalty to his faith made him a victim of the persecution from congregation for he refused firmly to confess before the gallows. R...
Keywords/Search Tags:Realization
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