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From The Left-wing Literature To Pure Literature

Posted on:2006-05-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360155474875Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Most people regard the Left Wing Literature as the mainstream of literature in 1930s. In fact, it is incomplete to view the literature in 1930s only in this way. This paper discovers the characteristic of the literature trend in 1930s by comparing and analyzing publications of the Xiandai Press which is a typical press in 1930s: In the early 1930s, journals, books and series highlighted the Left Wing Literature ; But in the late 1930s , nearly all publications sought to keep off political topics. The number of the Left Wing Literature declined greatly while belles-lettres flourished in every literature type. There are reasons for the literature trend:. The cultural autarchy compelled the publisher to abandon the Left Wing Literature; The small press resulted in both prosperity and decadency of the revolution literature in short time; The accumulation of belles-lettres in the early 1930s ensured the harvest in the late 1930s; The literature education and canon-making made belles-lettres become the lasting best seller. The discovery of the literature trend in 1930s is of great significance in the study of the modern literature history: It can answer the question about the literature in 1930s, enrich the knowledge of the literature trend in 1930s, and disclose another possibility of the development of the literature trend in 1930s which can consequently inspire further research of the rule in the development of the Chinese modern literature; The trend tells us there was the potential of belles-lettres development which can explain belles-lettres flourished again in the late 1940s when the Anti-Japanese war ended ; Besides it can help evaluate the writer , the writing and the school in 1930s more accurately .
Keywords/Search Tags:the Xiandai Press, the Left Wing Literature, belles-lettres, the literature trend
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