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Discussion On The Work Of Singing

Posted on:2008-04-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, besides the widely accepted three styles of belcanto, folk and popular singing methods, a folk-pop style of singing methods appears in the field of folk singing category. What's more, thanks to the promotion of public media, folk-pop style concept has already been frequently used in newspaper, periodicals, broadcasting and TV program by people who are involved in or fond of singing art. And occasionally, some essays are focusing on this new style of vocality in which only simple introduction to this new concept and comments, active or negative, are listed. Systematic research on the new concept on the basic of singing practice at the theoretical level is still an empty. In spite of the weak theoretical research on it, the impact of folk-pop inflates dramatically. Singers build their fames with this style of singing methods, namely Yu Wenhua, Sun Meina and etc. Simultaneously, this new form of art is welcomed by more and more audience. Taking these into consideration, the author focuses the article on folk-pop style believing that the topic will be innovative and informative to the future practice.Though little research can be taken as reference, by analyzing deeply the social and historical background against which the folk-pop style appeared and comparing similarities and differences between it and other singing methods, the author disclosed the connections among current singing methods and gave a comprehensive image of the new singing style even including its trend and significance of promoting.The article consists of three chapters as follows: 1) the origin of folk-pop; 2) comparison study on folk-pop and other singing methods and 3) trend of folk-pop.
Keywords/Search Tags:folk-pop singing, definition of method of singing, comparison, trend
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