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Some Problems About National Singing Lessons In The Western Style

Posted on:2008-05-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L GuoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the practice of national singing and theories on vocal music, this paper summarizes the national singing and western singing, and it aims to discuss the national singing in a comparative way with Italian singing. By use of breath, the combination of true voice and false voice as well as the throat opening, the paper tries penetrating to analyze the sameness and difference between these theories and also plus the advantages of western singing to figure out how to improve and develop national singing in a way of borrowing which emphasizes adaptation, plus seizing the coupling. To conclude, what the paper points out, to use western singing method for reference without nationality counts nothing.
Keywords/Search Tags:national singing method, western singing method, use for reference, the use of breath, the combination of ture voice and falsetto voice, the throat opening
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