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The Discussion About Folk Singing Technique Of Soprano'S Falsetto Voice And True Voice

Posted on:2011-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y T WeiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the national singing among the combination of true and false sound problem is that many singing soprano in the process of learning and a problem often encountered If the true and false with a good sound, the sound will be uniform from top to bottom, rounded tone, range is not only wide, but also use freely Therefore to solve the combination of true and false voice singing in the soprano sang the nation one of the more critical issue In order to solve this problem, the author more than two years of postgraduate study and continue to explore and study phase First of all, from the theoretical analysis and explained the necessity of true and false combined voice and then sing praises to explore the use of modern national vocal music concert with the importance of true and false voice Next, the specific solutions for the method of combining voice of true and false questions, the authors spent a lot of space will be several years singing and teaching experience and experience, the system proposed and summarized in a variety of training methodsThis paper introduces and analyzes the development of China's national vocal music profiles, including the embryonic and formation stage, the development stage and newborn stages of three stages, and each of the three stages of development of national vocal music has done a brief overview to understand the Chinese for thousands of years past history of the development of national vocal musicFollowed by viewing and studying a large number of internal documents on the vocal concert, of which a representative of five books, five master's degree in journal articles and four papers, one by one in-depth research and analysis, and on this based on the their own views and perspectivesProfiles through the development of national vocal music studies and internal documents related to vocal music learning analysis, the authors of national singing in the soprano voice of a combination of true and false theory is discussed First of all, true and false identification of sound put forward their own views, including life and singing in the Then according to true and false voice in the national singing soprano in the use of time and the use of different methods proposed combination of the national singing soprano, the concert sound true or false is the inevitable trend of development of national vocal music Finally discusses the combination of true and false voice singing in the national singing in importanceChapter IV of this article is the core of the paper, following the third chapter in theory to determine the national singing in the soprano voice with the inevitability of true and false, the chapter suggested a solution with true and false voice singing the specific method, introduced for each methods of practice the steps First, from breathing to start, in order to lay the foundation for true and false voice training, followed by the sound of areas for training, including voice here, Point area for exercises and loud sound for acoustic point of practice areas Followed by the sound of a high position in the role of the combination of genuine and sound Among the above three parts, the authors make a detailed training methods and specific exercises steps to provide students with a variety of vocal learning methods, including the theory and practice In response to these skills, some students fail to effect, this chapter proposed a combination of true and false voice singing some additional training methodsIn this paper, a certain extent, has enriched the Chinese national singing soprano in concert with the theory of true and false voice, and added the domestic national singing skills training research, the study of folk song singing a certain boost In addition, the authors of this paper through the research and writing, but also on the Chinese folk singing has been taking a step forward, and thereby for their future vocal teaching and research laid a good foundation...
Keywords/Search Tags:Folk style singing, Soprano, True and False Voice, Training Techniques
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