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Italian Renaissance And Netherlandish Renaissance Art Of Painting Contrast Study

Posted on:2011-07-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360305986019Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The arts during the time of The Renaissance, the nature of them are the same, that is they all reflect the struggle between the world view what's principle part is human beings and the world view what's principle part is God. However, because the difference of geography environment, social circumstance, and Time surroundings, they all offenbaren their own art create individuality. The most typical countries which could be behalf these is Italy and Netherlands, what's more, the origin of paintings in these two countries is different, but both inflect each other in inheriting, both have different form in painting,but have convergence in human ideal, all of these is complex. This paper is mainly talk about the difference between the two countries in painting during the time of The Renaissance.This paper talks about in two parts:the same and the difference. The same points is about during the time of the Renaissance, the economic baseness comes out by painting in Italy and Netherlands and the spirit core comes out by painting:first of all, the economic baseness, both the two countries has became the trade canter before the time of The Renaissance because of its own predominant place in geographical, it leads to the bud of capitalism, the appearance of the stratum of new citizens, all of this call out the appearance of new culture; second, the thought which leads this activeness is humanism, although the humanism at that time has the limit in class, but from the point of view in negative "God is all", affirmative the value of human beings, the humanism is no doubt a huge advance in human history. The expression in painting is the main finger is the nature bodies instead of the roles in religious, all the myth is only a dependence exist in name only, it also appears the painting of portrait and landscape which comply with the appreciation of the beauty of the new citizens and more close to their life. In the case of difference, it is about the sulabuha and origin between the Italian Renaissance and Netherlands Renaissance; the innovation is difference between the two countries; the feature of posture and facial features in specific paintings. First in origin, although Italian Renaissance is in the inflection of kinds of traditions, the main sources of it is from the art work of ancient Greece and Roman, otherwise, the Netherland is from the improve and development of late Gothic art work. Second, in the view point of contribution of painting skill, Italian has more scientism sprit, inventing perspective, and put the method of body postmortem method into painting arts, so there are various of ideal shape and figurines in the works, so as to form various of theory sources, promoting the development of paintings during all the time of The Renaissance; In other side, for Netherlands, it's mainly contribution is to improve the skills of oil paintings, overcome the shortcomings of tempera painting, such as easy to become dry, difficult for the care depict repeatedly, the picture has bad gloss, so the skills of oil painting is much more perfect. For the third part, this paper analyses the authors and their master workers of different times of Italian and Netherlands during the time of The Renaissance, from Giotto to Tizian, by means of the hard work of several generations, Italian appears various of typical and idealize figures, they all have graceful pose, well-balanced ratio, and beautiful face, they are all models of western classic paintings. By the analyses of the work of Jan van Eyck,H·Bosch,Pieter Bruegel, we could realize that what's artist in Netherlands interested is not the idealized form, but the truth in real life.By though the contrast research of this paper, promulgating the different phenomenon in paintings, and what's behind the phenomenon:the economic baseness and thought cores in the most important areas during the European Renaissance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Renaissance, Netherlands, Italy, painting, Tempera
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