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Choose The Road Of Urbanization In China's Modernization Process

Posted on:2004-07-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360092985570Subject:Scientific Socialism and the international communist movement
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The question of the way of urbanization is one of the most important problems during our society and economy development. For subjective and objective reasons, the way of Chinese urbanization has been a hard, zigzag and complicated since the foundation of the new china. Since the reform and open policy was carried out, Chinese urbanization had made an outstanding progress. However, the level of Chinese urbanization still lags the average of the world and the Chinese economy development. The inefficient demand in nowadays economy, unreasonable economic structure, ever-increasing employment pressure, slow growth of peasants' earnings, etc, all are associated with the lag of urbanization direCtly or indirectly. The lag of urbanization has become one of the main contradictions which restraint nowadays the Chinese economy and society development. Therefore, to seek positively the Chinese characteristic way of urbanization has an important meaning to puss the course of the Chinese urbanization and to accelerate the durative, stable and well-liking development of the Chinese economy. The thesis points mainly out the important meaning of accelerating the Chinese urbanization, analyzes the main problems and the causes during our urbanization, seek the Chinese characteristic way of urbanization, put forward the approaches and the countermeasures of accelerating the Chinese urbanization.The thesis is composed of three parts. In the first part, the thesis mainly explains the concept of urbanization. Basing on the present conditions of the Chinese urbanization, I discourse upon the importance of accelerating the Chinese urbanization. The second part analyzes the present conditions of the Chinese urbanization, finds out the main problems during the Chinese urbanization, and analyzes further the subjective and objective reasons that caused the problems. On the base of commenting on the seeking for the way of the Chinese urbanization, the third part analyzes emphatically the subjective and objective factors that are working on the selection of the way of the Chinese urbanization, and points out that the Chinese characteristic way of urbanization today should combine the urbanization of county with the modernization of city ,form an unbalanced, manifold ,pluralized net system of urbanization , in which the big and small sized cities is focus ,and the big, medium and small sized towns can grow correspondingly. In the end, the thesis also gives some advice on how to accelerate the Chinese urbanization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Modernization
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