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"party Boss" Political Parties Function Recession And Within The Party Vested Interests Form A Relationship,

Posted on:2004-10-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360092985591Subject:Doctrine of the party and party building
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The government by the party has been one of the most important and distinct characteristics of the modern political system since the end of Second World War. From the 1950s to 1980s, the system of the Dominated Party marked with the GOP was a kind of popular party system around the world. However, since the 1990s, the dramatic changes in the party system had happened in many countries, which were governed by a GOP, such as USSR, Japan, Mexico, India and Indonesia. Why did the people abandon them in those countries? How could the dramatic changes happen? So the purpose of this paper is searching the deep causations of all those changes in the Dominated Party System.The basic function of political party is expressing and integrating the benefits of people. Any ruling political party will lost its ruling position in the competition of party system unless it implements its basic function adequately. One of the most remarkable characteristics of the Dominated Party System is that a certain political party had always been in power for several decades. This kind of special situation was benefit to the ruling party to form the maximal authority within a country. Under this condition, on the other hand, the organization of the GOP had become more and more conservative and exclusive; nobody could supervise the executive action effectively. As a result, the groups of vested interest came into being within the ruling party. The groups of vested interest were continually in expanding, and then they took the paramount power gradually. In order to protect its own interests, the administrative policies, which were enacted by the groups of vested interest, seriously obstructed the ruling GOP to implement its basic function that is expressing and integrating the benefits of people. When it not only couldn't express and integrate the benefits of people any more, but also was incapable of reforming its own disadvantage that was brought by the groups of vested interest, the GOP would be abandoned by the people. That is the reason why the GOP lost its ruling position after it had took office for many years.The decline of the GOP in many countries puts forward a serious task to the Chinese Communist Party. The CCP has been established for more than 80 years and its party member has exceeded sixty million. Therefore, it will be very beneficial to the CCP that searching the deep causations and lessons that drawn from the GOP's decline process and their experiences of reform. 目 录导论#(1)一,@执政党的基本功能与既得利益#(3)二,@"老大党"既得利益的形成#(6)(一)@客观存在的政党自身利益#(6)(二)@促使政党利益膨胀形成既得利益的两个因素#(8)三,@"老大党"政党功能的衰退#(11)四,@"老大党"改革的方向#(18)(一)@加强法制建设,限制既得利益集团的活动空间#(19)(二)@根据国情变化适时地对原有的政党组织结构进行变革#(21)五,@结语#(24)参考文献#(26)后记#(27) 唱城"戏功sgtheAN党内脚练哪成 关系之研究 导 论 第二次世界大战后,政党政治成为世界各国政治发展的显著特征,一国的内政外交无不受到该国政党力量对比变化的影响,政党日益显现出其无法替代的作用。而政党体制作为政党执掌国家政权的模式,它的变化基本上反映了一国国内政治力量的变化'走向。 20世纪90年代,世界上许多国家的政党体制发生了结构性剧变。最先是苏东共产党解体,在随后的几年中先后有日本自民党,印度国大党,印尼专业集团'墨西哥革命制度党等一批执掌本国政权几十年的老党,大党下野。由于这些政党长期把持政权,在很长一个时期内是没有什么别的政党能够与之争权的,我们不妨将其称为"老大党"。"老大党"建立起来的"一党优势"制政体曾经是世界政治体制中一道亮丽的风景。苏共取得的伟大成就,革命制度党实现的墨西哥经济奇迹,印度国大党缔造出的发展中国家最稳定的民主,印尼专业集团主导的东亚发展模式,都曾是为世人争相称道的优秀政治发展模式。时过境迁,世界上的这些"老大党"昔日风光不再,曾经在世界政坛中叱'风云的"老大党"们纷纷下野。 这些国家政党体制发生的巨变为人们的研究提供了新的课题与空间。"老大党"政党模式为何会出现全球性的衰落,它的深层次原因是什么,是否有规律可循?...
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