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Retention Strategy, The Relationship Life Cycle-based Channel Relationships

Posted on:2006-05-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360152985465Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The relationship maintenance between manufacture enterprises and members intheir marketing channels directly efects competitive advantage of enterprises. Itcomes to be focus in the field of marketing research. The atitude of channelmembers expectation to keep the relationship each other, irelationship commitment is key factor to retain and coordinate it. In this, by the life cycletheory of relationship , ariational characters of relationship commitment among marketing channel members are researched in the every phase of life cycle, modelthe dynamic relationship kept and coordination mechanism, and relevant strategiesare proposed. Main innovative work as follows,Relationship Marketing is an extension and development of traditional marketing theory.It is a Marketing theory that adapts to the new competitive situations.Relationship commitment reflects the attitude of channel members expectation to keep the relationship with another channel members. The existence of the value of relationship commitment is the premise for the occurance of member's attitude to relationship. The ingredients of the value of applicational relationship commitment and theoretical formula indicate the value of relationship commitment as the index of divide in the relationship of life cycle. While by using the index of transaction quota or profit could distort and enlarge the realistic status of relationship development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Channel Relationship, Relationship, Relationship Coordination
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