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On The Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility And Corporate Finance Governance

Posted on:2007-08-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Y DuFull Text:PDF
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In accordance with the development of market economy and of the adjusting process of the corporate management, the rationale of corporate administration under the present-day conditions encompasses the legal value, economic value and social value for the concerned corporation. The corporateadministration implies to serve as a coordinating system to solve interest conflict between all the interest-concerned parties involved. A sound corporate administration system should act as an active mechanism for tockholders, board of directors, board of supervision and corporate management so as to keep the interest well-balanced, as a result of which, the companies may go steadily ahead in the intense market competition.It is firstly testified in this article that the correlation and inter-dependencebetween corporation sections for financial management, and some innovating measures and solutions proposed to solve the problems exposed in the corporate financial management at present in China and finally a constructive discussion made on the system of corporate financial administration, a legal protecting mechanism, for the social responsibility the corporation holds. The methods of historical analysis, comparison, and qualitative deduction are applied, based on the drive to maximize corporate profit.This article consists of three parts: In Part I entitled "The evolution of the rationale of corporate administration and the emergence of corporate social responsibility", a review has been made on the evolution of the rational and an emphasis is laid on the role of modern corporate theory and contractual theory, which are indispensable to the sound corporate management. In Part II "The orrelation between corporate social responsibility and corporate financial administration", corporate financial administered is defined as a sub-system of corporate management, a dynamic mechanism by which corporate financial contractual system embodies the rationale of corporate management and fundamental regulation and stipulation for allotment of propriety. Corporate financial administration and...
Keywords/Search Tags:the rational of corporate administration, corporate social responsibility, corporate financial, corporate value, capital monitoring
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