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Legal Problems Of The Securities Investor Protection Fund

Posted on:2008-11-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D XieFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the Chinese stock market development background, this article analyzes deficiency and flaw in the current Securities Investor Protection Fund(referred to as SIPF hereinafter)legal system and brings forth advice through introducing and commenting on relevant international litigation experience. The following four parts are included in this article:In the first part, this article generalizes the notion of SIPF after analyzing the pertinent regulation of SIPF in different countries and areas before turning to its legal characteristics and significance.In the second part, the particular attention is paid to the litigation background, legal system and specific content of SIPC in Chinese stock market; hereby, insufficiency and deficiency are summed up.Thereafter, this article introduces concerned litigation experience in America, Canada, Taiwan and Hong Kong in order to address the commonness and differences between domestic and abroad.Lastly, through comparative analysis, this article advances related litigation advice.This article features:Employing comparative analysis method, this article generalizes the commonness among the SIPF system in domestic and abroad and seeks points to perfect in Chinese SIPF system.Using sociology method, this article probes on social background of SIPF development and demonstrate the necessities of perfecting Chinese SIPF legal system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Securities Investor Protection Fund, investor protection, withdrawal system of securities company
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