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Changchun Area Colleges And Universities Customer Satisfaction Research

Posted on:2011-08-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207330338975469Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the beginning of the 20th century 90 years, theories and methods of customer satisfaction (CS) strategies have been developed and consummated unceasingly in the West developed. And Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) as one of the indicators measure CS in our country and abroad is also increasingly becoming a popular and cutting-edge issues. In today's China, the research and development about customer satisfaction are in the initial stage, this paper select colleges and universities in Changchun area as a study.First, analyses the research background of customer satisfaction in colleges and universities, explains the theoretical and practical significance about this study, makes the subject of this article, specific objectives and possible innovations point, and then gives the framework of this research. Customer satisfaction is defined and reviewed, and it defines the concept of customer satisfaction in university. Colleges and universities customer satisfaction measurement methods and measurement tools were reviewed. Finally, analyses the composition and influencing factors of colleges and universities customer satisfaction, put forward further research space for empirical research as theoretical foundation.Second, bases on the literature review, it proposes structure model of this research, and it establishes theoretical assumptions among all related concepts to express the use of empirical research method. Under this basis, develops the scales, designs the questionnaire, organizes the issuance, investigation and recovery of the data processing, and expresses methods and procedures of data. In the course of the study, tests reliability and validity of the model, uses the structural equation model to analyze the hypothetical model which is stetted by theories, and tests hypothetical theory.Finally, summarizes the main conclusions of this paper. It discusses the limitations of the study, and suggests directions for future research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Customer Satisfaction, Universities, Structural Equation Modeling
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