Educational loan from source is in the ascendant and it has become the mainchannel to solve the problem that the college students with financial difficulties havein China, which plays an increasing prominent role. This policy carried outinnovations in many aspects and has obvious advantages compared to the loan fromcampus. However, there exists a lack of good faith in the repayment. Therefore,strengthening the integrity education for the college students to promote the policy ofloan is particularly important.In this thesis, considering the problem of the educational loan from sourcesince it made a try and gradually run in the nationwide and the status of moral andcultural integrity missing, the author discuss the reasons of lack of credibility fromboth subjective and objective and explore the way to strengthen the integrityeducation for its sustainable development and the training of the highly talentedperson from the professional perspective of ideological and political education.Considering the problem of integrity education of the educational loanrepayment the author selected a university and carried out a variety of ways to analyzeand explore its deficiencies, including survey and visiting. The author believed thatthe reason may consist of the following six aspects: the imperfect of the integrityeducation system, dislocation of the educational organizer, alienation of theeducational responsibility, unconsciousness of the body in the integrity repayment,lack of integrity education for the parents of the students and the negative influencefrom the society. The author also points out that strengthen the integrity education ofrepayment should follow four principles, main body, systematic, phased and incentive.The integrity of the educational system of repayment should be strengthened, thecontent should be improved and the means should be enriched to create the socialenvironment of integrity repayment. |