With the rapid development of Internet, network training activity has become a way of the teachers’professional development, and has become more and more popular in the teachers with its low cost, wide range and without geographical restrictions, etc.In this study, the knowledge interaction between the different types of web-based advance studies starting from the macro and micro perspectives, analysis of social structure characteristics of different types of web-based advance studies and different stages of the activities, to get its strengths and weaknesses, summarize its rules, to explore strategies to promote knowledge interaction between the teachers, provide targeted advice to implement web-based advance study.The content of this research mainly includes the following three aspects:(1) which is based on Gaoyou education information platform, selection of statistical analysis of data of different types of web-based advance studies in the perspective of social network analysis method, comparative analysis of organized research activities and amorphous academic activities of the network structure’s characteristics.^) analyzed three stages of knowledge interaction network structure of web-based advance study. On the basis of the theory of knowledge interactive, divided the stage of knowledge interaction for knowledge acquisition, knowledge transfer and knowledge innovation. Analyzed the three stages of the social network structure, to explore the network structure’s evolution of knowledge interaction phase. (3) Based on the above study, the different stages for different types of activities and events, put forward the strategies of the teachers’knowledge interaction, to provide support for the implementation of web-based advance study.The innovation of this study has two main aspects:(1) analyze the two types of web-based advance study, can understand the advantages and disadvantages of both types of activities, to provide support for training activities. (2) this study in the three stages of division of knowledge interaction, on the basis of division of knowledge interaction of three stages, analysis of the evolution of each stage of the network, provides a new analytical perspective.The main conclusions of this study are the following three aspects:(1)Different types of web-based advance study social networks’structureTwo activities are sparse networks, the interaction between members are weak link, the degree of reciprocity is not high.Teachers’enthusiasm of an organized web-based advance study is higher than unorganized activity, but reciprocity degree of unorganized activity is better than organized activity.Organization of activities affecting social network density, network density of organized training activities higher than those without training activities.The role of unorganized training activity in the core members of the network is solve other teachers’problem; organized training activity is to initiate the topic of discussion for members to learn.The correlation coefficient of the degree and the amount of replies for two activities are highly correlated, and that teachers post more, communicate with others more, rather than just interacting with minority members.(2) The evolution of web-based advance study in knowledge interaction’s stageNetwork density and reciprocity’s evolution trajectory of organized and unorganized activities is similar. In the three stages of knowledge interaction, the evolution of the track of knowledge seekers, the general members and the core members’proportion is similar, the core members of the evolution of the trajectory similar.The role of core members in knowledge interaction phase is different. The role of organized training activity’s core members is same in the three stages, who mainly initiate the topic of discussion for teachers to learn. Differences in the role of organized training activity’s core members, knowledge transfer phase of the core members to actively respond promptly to questions of other members, knowledge transfer and knowledge innovation stage not only guide the members of the core members of study and discussion, but also actively respond promptly other problem members.Individual-level network evolution path and the overall level of network evolution trajectories have the same situation.(3)Support strategic of knowledge interactionThis study summarizes the three support knowledge interaction strategy:focus on training the general members and core members; integration of two types of activities; using a variety of evaluation methods.This study summarizes the three stages of knowledge interaction support strategy: knowledge acquisition phase is to conduct real-time expert lecture, organize training teachers lecture and hierarchical design training content; Knowledge transfer stage is to organize the real-time discussion, to set up the free discussion and development of core members; Knowledge innovation stage is to guide teachers’ self reflection and using multivariate evaluation way. |