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Research On Autonomous Learning Model Of Middle School Chemistry Course Based On Moodle

Posted on:2016-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H JuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207330473461399Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the information age, in order to supplement the deficiencies of traditional education and serve students well, the construction of a new autonomous learning model through modern technology has been paid close attention by the contemporary educators. With the development of mobile internet technology, micro-lesson has become a potential source in assisting students to conduct autonomous learning due to its characteristics of vivid contents, short and easy to spread, etc. However, the micro-lesson is still in the stage of teaching research and communicating, and there are fewer studies in conducting the integration of resources according to the logic relation of knowledge and applying it into a new autonomous learning model.In order to discuss the effectiveness of the autonomous learning model of micro-lesson, the author attempts to carry out a study on the autonomous learning model of micro-lesson of middle school chemistry based on the Moodle to reach the goals of assisting learning in some abstract and trivial knowledge of chemistry. This thesis firstly summarizes and analyzes 11 kinds of traditional autonomous learning model at home and abroad, as well as the characteristics of 3 new kinds of autonomous learning. And then take partial contents of "structure and properties of matter " in the elective courses â…¢ of high school chemistry as an example, it integrates the micro-lesson resources by means of the Moodle learning platform, and initially constructs a new autonomous learning model of micro-lesson. This paper is divided into six chapters:Chapter I:Introduction. This chapter mainly includes the research background, purpose and significance, general idea and research methods, etc. This chapter firstly analyzes the research background from four aspects:various drawbacks in the classroom teaching, the importance of autonomous learning, the characteristics of chemistry and the superiority of modern education technology to assist teaching, and then analyzes the purpose and significance from the teachers, students and chemistry. At the end, the general idea and research methods of this paper are outlined.Chapter â…¡:The definition of the core concepts and theory research. Based on the definition of three core concepts:autonomous learning, micro-lesson and the Moodle platform, this chapter analyzes their characteristics, functions and the research situation at home and abroad, respectively.Chapter â…¢:Practical investigations. Both the teachers and students of primary and middle schools are chosen to investigate the application situation of micro-lesson network platform in the stage of basic education and the current situation in using the Internet for learning through questionnaire. And then the individual interviews are adopted to find out what the chemistry teachers think of the use of micro-learning platform in assisting students to conduct autonomous learning.Chapter â…£:The preliminary construction of autonomous learning model of micro-lesson based on Moodle. This chapter analyzes and summarizes the characteristics of the domestic and foreign 11 kind of traditional autonomous learning model and the contemporary 3 kinds of learning ideas. Based on the principles of autonomous learning, a new autonomous learning model of micro-lesson for middle school chemistry is constructed by using the Moodle learning platform.Chapter â…¤:The design cases of autonomous learning model of micro-lesson for middle school chemistry based on the Moodle. This chapter takes the "structure and properties of matter" elective section of high school chemistry as an example to integrate and design related content of autonomous learning micro-lesson resources on the Moodle platform according to the flow chart of autonomous learning model constructed in this study.Chapter â…¥:Conclusion and Prospect. This chapter summarizes achievements of this study, reflects on the problems of the research and forecasts the development direction in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Middle school chemistry, Micro-lesson, Autonomous learning, Moodle
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