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Sichuan To Build Homes "model Vocational Project Progress To Management Applied Research

Posted on:2010-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H MengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360275484144Subject:Higher vocational education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The implementation country demonstrativeness higher professional colleges and universities construction plan, impels the higher vocational education adaptation society demand, strengthened foundation ability, puts the reform and the development key point to the enhancement connotation construction and the enhancement education quality comes up, the enhancement raise face the advanced manufacturing industry, the modern agriculture and modern service industry high skill talented person's ability, is our party and a national significant strategic decision.This article is precisely take this as a background, from project progress management theory description obtaining, to project progress management the research advancement has carried on the review and the analysis, and has carried on the elaboration on the related theory and the method. Simultaneously unifies Sichuan College of Architectural Technology'construction practice, from the project progress plan formulation, the project progress control and in the project progress control conflict managed three aspects to carry on the theory analysis and the practice exploration. To provide the science the management theory and the method Sichuan College of Architectural Technology'construction, is advantageous in the project goal effective realization, simultaneously also accumulates the rich experience for the next higher professional colleges and universities project construction, provides the new methodology and the management method, thus for our country demonstrativeness higher professional colleges and universities construction plan smooth advancement, carries on positively, has the significance exploration.
Keywords/Search Tags:project progress management, higher professional colleges and universities progress plan, conflict management
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