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Design And Implementation Of Hospital Information Management System Out-patient Charges System

Posted on:2010-03-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360275984139Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of computer technology, database technology has become an area which has grow fastest. It is the key technology and important foundation of computer information and application system. SQL language has become the standard relational database language by its powerful function and succinct grammar and been welcomed by user and computer industry. PowerBuilder is the famous database application development tool developed by Sybase Corporation.The data processing manual operation, the work load is big, the error ratio is high, after making a mistake, is not easy to change, time-consuming and laborious. Based on this question, I thought that has the necessity to establish a hospital information management system, causes the hospital management work standardization, the systematization, the sequencing, avoids capriciousness which manages, enhances the information processing the speed and the accuracy, can prompt, accurate, carry on the information inquiry and the revision effectively. This outpatient service delimits price the subsystem is the hospital information management system's important component.Hospital information management system is atypical MIS. Its development includes the establish and maintenance of backstage database as well as frontstage application procedure. For former the database must be good at data uniformity, integrity as well as data security. While the latter request function complete and opetation easy to uesr. The article introduced the design and realization of outpatient service charge subsystem which was one part of the hospital information management system. The system use Microsoft SQL Sever 2000 to establish backstage database as well as PowerBuilder 9.0 to realize the operation of frontstage and the connection of backstage and frontstage. The article alse introduced the working pattern of front the backstage system and the important was the design of frontstage. Although the system is realized on a single computer environment, it can used in mutl-computer system with little modify by the use of generel development. The system is design for pratical application and therefore, is of great applicability and dissemination.
Keywords/Search Tags:database, out-patient service price, out-patient service charge, SQL Sever 2000, PowerBuilder 9.0
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