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Trust Protection Principle Used In The Administrative Licensing Law

Posted on:2012-03-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M PengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The principle of protection of reliability is grow up from Germany after World War II, it became a basic principle of administrative law. This principle has played an active role in the protection of the legitimate rights of administrative counterpart and promoting the process of building the socialist legal system. However, a long time, China's administrative law scholars have been few studies of this principle, until the "Administrative licensing law" promulgated, it first clearly defines the principles of protection of reliability on the administrative law. Therefore, make a deep research on the principle of protection of reliability is imperative.In order to improve the principle of protection of reliability, give it full play to protect the trust of licensee, the paper reads more than thirty thousand words, the overall on the four parts discuss the principle of reliability, focused on the trust principle in the administrative license. The first part focuses on the origin of the principle of protection of reliability, content theoretical basis and the practice situation in some other countries, in order to play the role in improving our own principle, the second part of the major in-depth "Administrative License Law" in the applicable conditions and applicable rules; third part of the question of how to improve the trust protection principle. As I study is limited, the text inevitably be inadequate. I hope readers correct me.
Keywords/Search Tags:Trust protection, Administrative Licensing, Administrative authority
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